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    Image result for illegal blood bank found in lagos
    Commissioner of Police in Lagos, Imohimi Edgal announced on tuesday on the arrest of Achegbulu Paul, who was operating an illegal blood bank in his house.
    The Police  recovered seven pints of blood from his room. 47 year-old Achegbulu was arrested after he drew out four pints of blood, two pints each both on Monday, 4th of june and Sunday, 10th of june  from  a 17-year-old Ayomide Adesanya.
    Mr Paul allegedly lured and paid teenagers #2,000 to take their blood which he then sold for N7,000. Police spokesman in Lagos, CP Imohimi visited Achegbulu‘s latest victim and also led operatives to see the blood bank.
    Comissioner Imohimi commented:“The illegal blood bank was uncovered after the last victim was hospitalised. Adesanya became weak after donating four pints of blood, collapsed and is currently receiving treatment at the Bariga Hospital."
    Achegbule said  that he was trained as a lab scientist at the Nigerian Institute of Science Technology in Plateau. “I am a trained technician and I’ve been operating the illegal blood bank for five years now,” he added. 
     Ebenezer Omejalile,Shomolu Coordinator, Child Protection Network, who reported to the case to the police,reacted by  demanding that all those who bought blood from the suspect should be investigated and arrested because they  too  had a hand in the operatin of the illegal blood bank”.

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