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    Image result for fallen in love
    The first time I met you,
    It's like iron meets magnet,
    Bringing about a non-repulsive attraction,
    Which makesy heart melt.

    Though I have promised never to fall again,
    But here I am;
    Disloyal to my heart again,
    My heart has failed me.
    It's fallen in your trap-
    A beautiful one set by your beauty,
    And nicely hooked by your lovely heart.

    I don't know if this would be an everlasting fall.
    A fall without injury and fears to my heart,
    Pain and agony to my soul,
    But happiness and joy to me.

    If this is true,
    And your heart falls with mine,
    I swear I would be loyal to you.
    You would be mine,
    And we would remain fallen together in love forever,
    Without any asunder.

    Written by: Apesinola (FLO)

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