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    Most guys that have been optimistic before asking a Nigerian lady out for a relationship usually encounter a heartbreak when they get a “No” or “I will think about it” as an answer. The most confusing part for some guys is that most of this ladies are the first to show their interest in the relationship yet they end up turning down the guys’ proposals usually with: “I actually like you as a friend”, “Give me some time, I have to think about it”, “I also love you but we can’t date for now” etc. just to prevent themselves from saying the word “yes” to the first proposal hoping for the guy to keep persuading them before they final agree as that would show more seriousness from the guys’ side and not render them cheap.

    When a Nigerian lady turns you down, you can try your luck a couple more times and if she insist on her “No” kindly note that she is not interested and will never be until you go extra mile to win a her heart. You can do things like showering her with gifts, making her see the good sides of you, being there for her in times of trouble etc. And if after all these, she still doesn’t show any interest in you, kindly shift your proposal to someone else.

    Girls too want to be in relationshipsso badly but they still have so say “No” due to some reasons. Zymloaded.com has done a lot of researches and the reasons we can provide are

    Image result for DEJECTED MEN

    1. They do not like you: When a girl doesn’t like you, it is the most difficult situation, they may not even give you the audience and their “No” is always a sharp one. Do not let that discourage you, you can start by being friendly and helpful to them. Girls like guys better when they help them.

    2. They want to know more about you: Maybe you just met recently and some girls don’t find it comfortable dating a stranger. You can take your time to prove to them how friendly you are and make them feel comfortable with you

    3. They like you but someone else is still in the picture: Maybe they have been expecting you to ask them out and you didn’t until they eventually fall in love with some other guy. You coming after then gets them really confused as they might still want you and cannot leave the other guy.

    4. They get lots of proposals: Some girls get lots of proposals from good guys and are really confused which to say “yes” too. You joining the league is another source of confusion for them

    5. They are not ready to date: Some ladies below eighteen or secondary school believe they should not be dating at the moment. Respect their decision and wait for them if you can. They may say “yes” to you immediately when they are ready.

    6. They have been heartbroken: Some girls have been heartbroken not once, not twice and do not want you to hurt them too. You can wait for the perfect time or do some things for them so they can really trust you before wooing them again.

    7. They think you are not worth their standard: Some girls are proud while some are too rich, richer than you are and they believe it will ridicule them and their family. They would rather stick to their fellow rich people. Do not let that hurt you as a guy, “Double your hustle” and do not go and use “juju” for her.

    8. They have heard bad things about you: Some girls won’t ever agree to date you once they hear bad things about your health status, parental background, attitudes etc. if you are able to convince them against that, then you are good to go but the problem here is that they will never give that as an excuse for saying “No”.

    9. They have trust issue: Some ladies have been betrayed by so many people like parents, relatives, ex-lovers etc. and they are not ready to confide in anyone at the time you are asking them out.

    10. Parental pressure: Most Nigerian parents do not want their female children to have boyfriends and some girls are too respectful. They won’t ever date you until their parents ask them to bring in their fiancé.

    11. They see you as disturbance: perhaps they are busy or they need to focus on something and they believe that dating at that moment will be a huge distraction. Such girls may ask you to give them time or tell you they will think over it.

    12. They believe you worth someone better than them: Maybe you are religious and they are not or you have a special gift which they think they can’t value, they would not want to hurt or stress you in future so they would just turn you down.

    13. The think the relationship will not work: Most girls believe dating cannot work between you too due to age or distance.

    14. Lesbianism: Most beautiful girls do not get aroused when making up with guys, they prefer doing things with same sex. So, asking out girls like that is like a waste of time, she might even get irritated seeing you.

    15. They want sex only: Some girls do not believe in dating as their libido is so high and they believe a guy isn’t enough to satisfy their urge and they do not want to double date. If they really like you, they will not agree to you proposal but just find a way of luring you to sex.

    16. Your personal hygiene: No lady would fall I love with a dirty guy else she is dirty too. If your choice is a neat and clean girl, be clean too. Do not approach a girl if you have mouth odour or you are in a dirty outfit.

    17. Your fashion sense: All girls want you to dress smart and look good when you are with them. I a girl says “No”, you should check your dress sense as it may be the reason for it.

    18. Non-intelligence: Most girls love dating guys that are brilliant and intelligence and wants people to see you with them. They want to be proud of you and want you to be of help on assignments and school works.

    19. Wealth: It is no news that most Nigerian ladies really care about your financial status. Except on rare cases, they do not want to be with broke guys; they prefer guys with cars, houses etc. Not as if they are ‘gold-diggers’, It is normal to start a relationship with someone who can upgrade you financially

    20. Religious belief and tribe: As Nigeria is a country with so much diversity in term of tribe and religious, many people do not marry out of their tribes or faith. Some religious fellow would also not to venture into dating as they believe it is not allowed in their religious or it might reduce their level of belief.

    Actually, some girls do not want to hurt you with the truth or think their reasons for saying “No” may sound unpleasant, so they give you a reason which they think you should be able to cope with. However, some ladies always say “yes” and some guy never get “no”

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