Saturday, March 15.

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  • Breaking News

    China To Launch An 'Artificial Moon' To Light Up City As Far As 50miles(Pics)

    A city in China is planning to launch an ‘artificial moon’ that will light up the skies as far as 50 miles around.

    The so-called illumination satellite set to deploy over the southwestern city of Chengdu in 2020 is touted to be eight times as bright as the real moon, to cast a ‘dusk-like glow’ over the region, according to the People’s Daily.

    Officials have released few details on the project.

    Wu Chunfend, chairman of Chengdu Aerospace Science and Technology Microelectronics System Research Institute Co., Ltd, revealed the plan at an event in the city in October, People’s Daily reports.

    It will complement the moon to make Chengu’s night skies brighter when it launches in 2020, potentially serving as a replacement to conventional streetlights.

    The artificial moon can be controlled to light up an area between 10 and 80 kilometers wide 6 to 50 miles.
 k/sciencetech/article-6288037/China-reveals-plans-launch-artificia l-moon-light-city-skies-2020.html


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