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    What matters isn't the speed with which one moves. What matters most is if it's in the right direction. Success isn't measured by achievements, wealth, fame or victories. Real success lies in doing what one was created to do.

    You could be making waves while doing the wrong thing. There are numerous people like that all around the world today. The fact that they are wealthy, famous or successful doesn't justify that that is what they were meant to do. Only few things matter as much as fulfilling purpose in life. That's why majority of them keep searching and craving for more till they die because they find no fulfillment in what they possess.

    It would amaze you to know how many Christians hardly have an idea of what they are on earth for and what they should actually focus on. They assume it is dependent on what they are good at, like singing, acting, preaching, teaching, medicine, law etc. And as a result, they study any course the higher institution gives them, they apply for any job available, they invest in any business that seems probable. What a confused life??? God never intended for it to be so.

    Every gift, talent and ability given to us by God is meant to aid us to fulfill our main purpose in life. However, if we rely on our intellect alone, we focus on only few of those gifts and end up under-utilizing our capabilities simply because we fail to consult the Master. Everything we do should revolve around the purpose for our existence. No one is an accident of nature. Your existence has a specific reason and essence.

    Until I discovered God's purpose for my life, I was like such, using hit-and-miss method. Moving very fast but going nowhere. Victories in little battles without attempting the war. It can be so frustrating to expend so much energy and yet find no fulfillment. I have written this article for weeks now but I didn't post it yet because of some reasons. But then the urge got so strong and I'm sure it's going to bless lots of people by God's grace.

    "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; (Jer.1:5a)

    It's not possible for God to just make us and then abandon us to our own wills and wiles. No manufacturer designs a product without having a specific purpose for it in mind and a role to play. How much more the creator, the master designer.

    And his plans (even though at times we don't understand his ways) for us are far greater and beneficial than anything we could ever think of or work towards on our own.

    'For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jer. 29:11)

    Sadly, human beings chase things that are of lesser importance. We chase money, love, fame, success.
    Let's take this as an example. Imagine a phone manufacturer produces a phone, with the purpose of it being used for making calls, sending text messages, surfing the internet and storing of important files. Then this phone starts chasing accessories like phone-pouch, head-set, power-banks etc while neglecting the primary purpose of its existence. It might appear funny but we act like that most times. Of course those things we chase are good. Fame is good, money is good, so is love, life-partners, success, academic aspirations etc. The accessories are good but the essence for which the product was made by the manufacturer determines the accessories that are compatible and appropriate for it.

    Definition of purpose enables us to recognize which of the various good things on earth is essential for us. It defines what we engage in, the company we keep, the books we read, the movies we watch, our habits, the things that make us happy etc. And trust me, there's so much joy when you know where you're going to in life. Life extends beyond this earth.

    We can use our brain, intellect and humanly wisdom to guess what seems right and possible. But it's a risky and dangerous endeavour. We cannot tell what tomorrow holds, and so all we do is just gamble which could turn against us anytime.
    'There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.' - Proverbs 14:12

    It's a pathetic situation to be running a race without having an idea of where the track is, not to talk of identifying what the race is leading to. How would you know if you're out of line when you don't even know if there's a line at all?

    A lot of people involve God only in selected aspects of their lives and keep him out of the rest, whereas He desires to be with us always, to be involved in every area of her life. Most people assume God doesn't want them to enjoy, be happy or prosperous. Not at all! He really wants us to, even more than we desire so for ourselves.

    And as long as we're aligned with Him and willing to give it all to Him, our desires and His plans wouldn't oppose. There are diverse ways in which one could discover it, all revolving around God.

    He never meant for it to be hidden, just that mankind never wants to involve God in his dealings, preferring to go through the long process of hit-and-miss instead of simply asking and listening to the master.

    Discover God's purpose for your life, maximize it and find true fulfillment. It'd make things a lot easier for you. Because you wouldn't jump at every opportunity that shows itself, you'll know what's beneficial towards fulfilling the master plan. You wouldn't stress yourself trying to emulate every seemingly good behavior and habit exhibited by people. Because you'll understand that we are all unique and you would know which ones are meant for you. Effective time management would be easier for you. Give it all to God and your future will be secured.

    Written by: Philips Afolayan
    (Writer and Public Speaker)

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