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    ‘Buhari, APC, PDP Can’t Move Nigeria Forward’- Shehu Sani

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    The senator who represents Kaduna Central at the National Assembly, Shehu Sani told President Muhammadu Buhari that only integrity can not help Nigeria.

    Sani, who is a member of the ruling AL Progressives Congress, APC, said that the integrity of President Buhari, around which the party built his government, was not sufficient to govern a multiple country like Nigeria.

    The legislator said that there was a need for the rise of a new political party, mainly populated by intellectuals, adding that the ruling party and the Democratic People's Party, PDP, can not bring Nigeria forward.

    The senator was one of the guest speakers at a symposium organized by the Magodo Associates, with the theme "Nigeria: which way ahead?"

    It was held at the Afe Babalola Auditorium, University of Lagos.

    He said: "What we have here is one man whose main asset is integrity, but how many in that camp can also beat their coffins and say they are just as credible as he is?

    "We are talking about building a nation and continuing it, but can just bring the integrity of the president to the nation of the promised land?

    "When we talk about the qualities of leadership, when integrity and credibility are only needed to be in a public office ... integrity or credibility is just one of the many things a leader needs, especially in a difficult country like Nigeria, there are so many things a leader needs.

    "We need a leader who can give everyone the confidence that he will be honest and fair, and we also need a leader who is visionary, who can move the country from where it is to where it should be.

    "The intellectuals have to move forward, you do not have to be afraid of the political terrain: most people you see in political offices, outside they say they represent the people, but they represent a person, a certain broker.

    "The existing dominant political parties can not lead us to the Promised Land, there is a need for a progressive political class to come together, reach out to the academics, the intelligentsia, the working class, along with a party that is being guided by a certain ideology. "

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