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    Story: THE DEVIL INSIDE: Episode 1

    “Gave this world happiness and all that is, but what did I get in return? Sorrow, tears,pain & betrayal. 10years now, have been in this prison for a crime I never committed.” Tara was sobbing to herself

    The Johnsons use to be a family that was envied by all. They had it all money, fame, love, happiness and all that could make a person’s life complete…. (So we thought) not until Mr & Mrs Johnson passed on. Leaving Tara in the hands of her elder sister Imelda.
    Imelda: Tara now that our parent are no more, I am ready to serve as a mother, father and sister to you. I promise you won’t lack in anyway.
    Tara: (crying) Imelda I’m going to miss our parent.
    Imelda: It is okay dear. The lawyer will be here to read the will and let us know how the properties will be shared.
    Tara: What’s the need for the lawyer to share the property. I will be travelling back tomorrow, you can always keep my share of the property. There can’t be any safer hand than yours
    Imelda: Okay baby sister. Hope all your things are set for tomorrow?
    Tara: Yes sis.
    Imelda: Okay now go to bed.
    The next day, big sis dropped me at the airport. We both cried our eyes out. Leaving her all alone in Nigeria after the death of our parent,is going to make her so lonely. I made a promise to call her from time to time.
    2 years now things has been going on well, not until I suddenly stop getting a call from Imelda, this got me so worried.
    Tara: I and Imelda talk to each other at least 5 times in a day, wonder what could be wrong.
    Funmi: Calm down dear. She probably got so busy with work and all that
    Tara: No Funmi my sister will never place anything in this world above me.
    Funmi: okay then. Why don’t you call any of your close relative in Nigeria to know what is going on
    Tara: that’s a good idea. Let me call uncle Leye (dials number)

    Uncle Leye: Hello dear…. How are you?
    Tara: I am good sir and you ?
    Uncle Leye: I am very fine. How is studies going on over there?
    Tara: Fine sir. I am in my finals already and I will be returning to Nigeria very soon. Uncle Leye, It been a while since I’ve heard from Imelda, she neither calls nor pick mine. I am really worried
    Uncle Leye:Hmmmm… Tara dear, you shouldn’t worry yourself too much, just focus on your exams for me. Imelda is fine
    Tara: Are you sure? I don’t know why, but I keep getting the feeling that something is wrong
    Uncle Leye: Nothing is wrong my dear. You are getting worried for no reason. Just take good care of yourself and face your studies. I will keep calling you. Bye
    Tara: okay sir bye
    My instinct tells me something is definitely wrong somewhere. Immediately after my exams I booked a ticket back to Nigeria. I can’t believe Imelda didn’t contact me for more than a year.
    (At uncle Leye’s residence)
    Uncle Leye: Wow look who I have here….. You didn’t tell me you were coming. Welcome dear when did you arrive?
    Tara: Good evening sir, I just got back today. Went home but met strange faces. The security man I met said Imelda already moved out and the house has been sold. Uncle Leye what exactly is going wrong? Where is Imelda? How come my father’s house has been sold?
    Uncle Leye: Calm down dear. It a long story. You know what, you go freshen up I will ask your aunty to prepare something for you to eat after then we will talk better.
    Tara: Okay sir
    Uncle Leye: Imelda sold your father’s house and left saying the house was too big and she is no longer comfortable staying there all by herself.
    Tara: Omg! How could she? Why sell the house if she was not okay staying there alone. My father’s house…..The memories of my parents, our childhood memories and all that is in that house. She should have just left, what was the need to sell it. Where does she now stay?
    Uncle Leye: She didn’t disclose that to any of the family members
    Tara: Not even you?
    Uncle Leye: yes dear not even me. I only see her at the office but that was when I was still working there
    Tara: I don’t understand…. You mean you’ve stop working at Dad’s company?
    Uncle Leye: yes. I had to resign when Imelda’s torture became unbearable. Her behaviour changed all of a sudden, she sacked many of those who served your father, I as the manager didn’t have a say anymore…. I just had to leave. Now that you are back go and see her at the office perhaps you could find out the reason behind her sudden change of behaviour.
    I was left perplexed. I couldn’t sleep all through the night. Was thinking of what could have been the reason behind Imelda’s behaviour. My sister use to be the sweetest person have ever met after our mum. She has all the qualities of my mum; caring,generous, bright, she don’t even mind taking blames on herself to save her loved ones.
    There is surely a reason behind all this…..and I need to find out
    “I will make sure I go to the office tomorrow to see my sister” I said to myself and I finally went to sleep.

    Next episode here


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