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    I have been labeled a rude and disrespectful boy by many and forever I would remain rude. I would always be rude to any person who claims to be an elder yet doesn't behave like one . I would be rude to those who have allowed nepotism and favoritism to take over their lives. I would be rude to the group of people who condone inadequacy,  complacency and mediocrity. I must be rude to someone who claims to be an elder yet continue to wallow in the pool of ignorance.

    I laugh the best out of me whenever I see the high level of gullibility (being) displayed by some people who claims to be elderly enough. They keep doing the same thing but expecting different results. I don't know if that is insanity or not. This is not about politics. This is not about religion.  This epistle is all about common sense.  But most people are far away from this thing that is common. well, common sense is not common. even the one that is common some people don't have.  What really baffles me is the  way we think and do things in this part of the world.  At times,  Do we even think properly before reacting? Do we really know the gravity of what we do at times?  We just think we can do some things because we are old enough to do it. We do things and later affects the people around us. 

    The Yorubas would say,  "Agba Kin Wa Loja Ki Ori Omo Tuntun Wo". A child is not expected to go astray in the presence of an Elder. What is really  happening to our elders. What examples are they leaving behind?  What if I may ask?  Even those who claims to be  elderly enough have decided to remain taciturn,  reticent and unforthcoming because of nothing but personal interest. The egocentricity of an African man would not allow them to say the truth.  Did I just say the Truth?  

    Yes,!  The truth!...  Most of the so-called elders are the one empowering and encouraging the younger ones of their wrongdoings. Hnmmmm!  Perhaps  Adeyeye Olorunfemi was actually  right to have opined that,  "we don't have Elders, We have Old People".  

    An elder is that individual who is known for peace.  An elder is that individual who impacts  knowledge on the younger ones and thus correct them of their wrongdoings.  An elder is that individual who can lead by good example(s). If you claim to be an elder and the above definitions could not be found in your modus-operandi,  you are nothing but an Old dude who is good for nothing. The difference is audible to the deaf and visible to the blind.  An elder will always remain an elder while the other will always remain the same. 
         Let me quickly paint a short scenario here.
    A friend of mine once told me how he was nearly butchered verbally by a woman just because he called her 'IYA DUPE'.  I was just laughing the day he told me this hilarious scene that occurred between him and the woman. He said the woman was expecting him to say "Mummy Dupe".  I wanted to faint when he said this. Could it be that the woman purposely did what she did? Perhaps  she felt she is old enough to terrorize my friend.  Who knows if she purposely did what she did? Let me clear  this simple riddle disturbing  some of these stubbornly unyielding  Elders. Mummy is an English word while IYA is a Yoruba word.  So if I may ask,  how is it possible to mix two different languages together. Someone should help me beg some of these so-called elders to always take a second look at things before jumping into conclusion.  They are  not too big to learn..  Being old is not a thorough justification for something that is expected of someone. Ignorant of such is prohibited irrespective of age difference. Age is just a number. Someone should please tell me,  is age a barrier?  Is it a crime to be getting older? If you want to know the true meaning of what am saying,  Go live where Yoruba  people dey . YOU GO HEAR AM WELL WELL.  lolz!  I know my people and my people know me. 

    what am trying to say in essence is that,  we ought not to br  emphasizing on mere issues that could easily be solved through common sense. An elder should no the right thing to do at the right time.  The same also goes to the younger ones.  By so doing,  the world will be a better place for all .  Life is too short for one to think everything is within  his or her domain.  No one knows Tomorrow!  Tomorrow is now!  Don't use your today to sabotage your Tomorrow!.


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