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    Letter To Abike


    'Letters to Abike' is a collection of candid letters written by friends and family to Abike, a young lady who has migrated to the United States for advanced studies.

    The letters reflect Abike's reality and the rich past she shares with all her loved ones and admirers. With dazzling anecdotes from the past, to the graphic travails of the present, and even peeks into the perceivable future, we get to follow Abike's story, all through the eyes of those who matter to her.

    Part 1

    Abike _mi_ ,
    So that’s how you just forgot your bestie, _abi_ ? Or has all that research on ophthalmology finally scattered your head and tampered with your memories? And don’t even give me that excuse that it’s only been three weeks since we last corresponded. Three weeks of silence between us is three weeks too long. Besides, isn’t it cheaper for you to send letters here from the US than it is for me to send to you?

    Now that I’ve finally thrown my tantrum, I’m relaxed. So how’ve you been _ore mi_ ? I hope those headaches and sinus infections have finally stopped plaguing you? And hope that _oyinbo_ dentist has stopped _toasting_ you? Please o, if you get engaged to him I won’t come to your wedding (Haha, you know I’m just kidding).

    Anyways, I know you’ve been waiting on this update for so long, so I’ll spill it. I finally passed my ICAN exams! (Yay!!). It was such a magical day when the results were released. I was so excited that I took all my colleagues to lunch at a restaurant, bought two congratulatory cakes for myself from Cakes and Cream and lounged the rest of the day away at _Elegushi_ beach. By the end of that day, my account balance was in the red. I know I should regret that day’s extravagance, but I don’t!

     _Ore mi,_ the funniest thing happened at Chizzy’s Boutique the other day. I saw one cute bra like that on display and tried it on. It was my size o, but it didn’t fit. Then I tried several other ones. It was the same story Abike. My breasts have suddenly grown bigger now o, _Ore mi_ . I don’t understand how that could happen. It’s not as if I’m pregnant now or something (Or am I?). I’m so lost right now, and I still can’t believe that all the brassieres in my wardrobe are now useless.

    Anyways, enough about me. You already know that I’ll never write to you without leaving some tasty gossip. Trust me now. So, Uncle Gboyega got re-married last week. Yours truly was there o. And it was such a nice party, it’s just that it was poorly attended. I felt a little pity for him _sha_ . And, you won’t believe it but, Aunty Sewa’s evil Mother-in-law has just been diagnosed with cancer. I almost threw a party at the news. At least, that old witch will die soon (You know I’m not a bad person, _Ore mi_ . It’s just that she was always so mean and unfair to Aunty Sewa. I couldn't  help but be delighted at the news).

    Altogether, _Ore mi_ , I’ve missed you deeply. I so very badly want to see you again. In fact, one of these days, I’ll go to the airport and squeeze myself into the travelling bag of one of those who are departing to America. I’m still incubating the plan though.

    I can’t wait for your reply. I hope it comes in soon. Until then, stay beautiful.

    Yours, always,

    Part 2 loading

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