Revealed: See The 5 Reasons Why She Refuses To Have S3x With You

Has your partner been saying ‘not tonight’ too often even after you have gone through the exercise of seduction, care and friendship?
It can be difficult not to feel rejected by her actions, but that doesn’t mean that she has stopped loving you completely.
Today, we list the emotional reasons why your partner may not be in the mood to have s3x with you and what you can do about it.
1. You Have Body Shamed Her
Your partner may be upset with you over some experience or event; for example, if she has gained weight and you have criticised her, she may get a feeling that you no longer find her attractive but make sure that you don’t body shame your partner and make her feel loved, supported and happy always.
2. She Is Emotionally Disturbed
Sometimes life’s challenges and stresses can put s3x at the bottom of someone’s list of things to do; if she is disturbed emotionally, she will not have the urge to have s3x so ensure that you talk it out with her, share her problems, console her and try to cheer her up.
3. You Don’t Prioritise Emotional Intimacy
For many, connection and emotional intimacy become imperative for them to feel turned on; when you are distant and disconnected or are fighting, there is no emotional connect, don’t make your partner feel that you do not have time to talk but have the time to have s3x.
4. She Is Not Over The Last Fight
Your s3x life can get affected if your relationship is going through hardship or there is building resentment, as a result, of all the fights, your partner may feel unloved not wanting to be physically connected to you.
5. She Is Attracted To Someone Else
Love may go stale with time, and it is possible that your partner is drifting from the relationship and looking for solace elsewhere; if your partner is in no mood to sizzle, it could be possible that you have jumped into the unfaithful waters and she will not want to have s3x with you if she is attracted to someone else.
Do you now get the reasons why she refuses to have s3x with you?
Source: Naijaloaded
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