SENSELESS WARS: Poem by Olayode Joseph
We do not have to cause the pain
Only to absorb it afterwards
That is the great folly
Human being cause wars;
Man at the helm of affairs start wars
Like a thief in the night
The people are never consulted
Consultation, always in form of propaganda
Only to absorb it afterwards
That is the great folly
Human being cause wars;
Man at the helm of affairs start wars
Like a thief in the night
The people are never consulted
Consultation, always in form of propaganda
Senseless wars
Because the helm have a monopoly
Over the means of indoctrination
Misformed and trick into war
Only to cause damages for themselves
A great war atlas!
Lose nothing, yet gain everything
The superior lives and properties
Are away from the country
To not suffer from the war.
Because the helm have a monopoly
Over the means of indoctrination
Misformed and trick into war
Only to cause damages for themselves
A great war atlas!
Lose nothing, yet gain everything
The superior lives and properties
Are away from the country
To not suffer from the war.
How can the soldiers become so cruel?
Why do they kill each other?
Leaving the superior behind
Those who the war are meant for
I have nothing against war
War that arises from greed of man
Because there's no change
Yielding up for senseless war
East or west, asking myself
One man many loaves and
Million of other men no loaf
This war might have made sense.
Why do they kill each other?
Leaving the superior behind
Those who the war are meant for
I have nothing against war
War that arises from greed of man
Because there's no change
Yielding up for senseless war
East or west, asking myself
One man many loaves and
Million of other men no loaf
This war might have made sense.
Olayode Joseph
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